We hope you found our Outdoor Junior Journey plans helpful and the are ready to tackle a girl scout camping trip! Leave What You Find leave all plants, rocks, animals, and historical items as you found them. Next, the girls will need to take tons of photos. The girls can use the beginning time to work with their families to set up their campsites and get ready for camping, including storing food and personal supplies. It also extends to the outdoor journey for cadettes, seniors, and ambassadors. In this Journey, you will: Deepen your outdoor skills when you earn your Animal Habitat, Camper, and Eco Camper badges. While your scouts explore the Agent of Change Junior Girl Scout Journey, there are a few key concepts and vocabulary that can be beneficial to explore. What will you need to bring? In todays world, this can be done in person, via a zoom meeting, or even at a studio. The Junior Animal Habitats packet includes the Arctic, Gulf of Mexico or the Amazon Rainforest. Listening to and moving to music can pair with any opening or closing activity. However, you may need some ideas for new projects to try. 0000148981 00000 n
Trail mix can make an amazing conservation hike snack. For Girl Scouts The next step asks the scouts to learn more about the foods that they eat. You will need string, a measuring tool, and some graph paper. Plan to bring along a camera and take photos of items from multiple angles and distances to create micro and macro photos to share with the other girls. The girls can then determine if their water bottles will hold enough water and how they will bring along extra water for their camping trip. Then take some time to clean up the area. Make a sign to educate others on the invasive species and how the campground encourages visitors to help. Then provide each girl or team of girls a blank paper, or use our comic book template, to create their own supergirl comic-book story, script, or visual story to show taking action in their community. For Girl Scouts, For Volunteers Resources for Girl Scout members. If you ask the girls to include a song in their Power of Team comic and allow them time to share their comics, you could meet both of these steps for Musician. Community service projects are acts of kindness and important ways to help something or someone right now. This could include benches for taking a rest, an archery range for scouts working on their archery badges, a community garden to teach more about flowers, seeds, and plants for those badges. Teach the girl scouts how to leave no trace while camping. This year, your Juniors will discover new passions, level up their skills, and maybe even make their mark in their community by starting their Girl Scout Bronze Award! Discover Girl Scouts. This will also cover the final step to share your photos, since you will be sharing them at the celebration! If your girls can handle a full day of Girl Scouts, you may plan to start early in the morning and continue through the afternoon to include the entire Take Action Project or additional badge work. trailer By clicking "Accept," you consent to the use of ALL cookies. As you are camping, have a plan to carry out everything that you bring in. To complete this journey, Juniors should: Earn Animal Habitats badge Earn Camper badge Earn Eco Camper badge. We find it most helpful to pair badges when we have a month or two to complete a journey. Observe from a distance and try to keep noises down so as not to scare away the animals who live here. Keep It Girl-Led: These examples are intended to give a sense of what a Take Action project could look like. JUNIOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS CHECKLIST YES, I WANT TO HELP THE JUNIORS SUCCEED. Meghan, you are so welcome. Next, during your camping trip, take lots of pictures to document your experience. Cooking 30 minutes. To pair with the Space Investigator badge you could ask each girl to create a box for one of our planets to place at specific points along the hike. Many leaders have moxie. Moreover, they will discover more about animal habitats and how to protect these habitats today. However, ceremonies and celebrations are such an important part of Girl Scouts and journeys. 0000000016 00000 n
Your email address will not be published. In addition, youll also receive a parent questionnaire and a Girl-Led Planner. Become a Girl Scout, Become a Volunteer You can drive the distance to determine the exact distance or use an activity tracker on a smart watch to help with the measurements. Step 4 asks the girls to create their own special effects. The most important part is to allow your girls the opportunity to plan the celebrations throughout the journey or the celebration at the end of the journey. Buy Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scout Cookie Flavors 4) Juniors uncover different ways they can combine their powers to form an unstoppable team who can accomplish anything. When we are trying to complete a journey in a day, this is often much more difficult. Yet, for our troop, we found earning the Power of One award before the Power of Team award and finally the Power of Community award worked well. Your scouts will need to work with a partner or small group for this activity. Learna special skill that might come in handy at camp: knot tying! Head out on your trip and have some nighttime fun! Then walked through the obstacle course together, describing each section and how you move through the course. Setup:Review the information below, then practice with the community service and take action project scenarios. Deciding on a Take Action Project can be tricky for the girl scouts. Our girls love the instant recognition; however, we find that more badges are lost this way or never end up on their vests. Thank you Rachel. The Outdoor Junior Journey specifically focuses on combining learning the skills necessary for camping in the outdoors, especially camping in a way that is environmentally friendly. 1) Your girls will begin to discover their own strengths, or powers, in their everyday life. This is so impressive, very detailed. Then share the Dream Team trading cards on pages 20 -22 of the Girls Agent of Change handbook. Then allow the girls to take turns sharing their cards and see if their friends can guess if the statement they share is their Truth, False, or Wish statement. Keep It Girl-Led: These examples are intended to give a sense of what a Take Action project could look like. They can pick a family member, community member, famous person in their world, etc. Create nature inspired art using circular symmetry. Take Action projects, along with the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards, address the root cause of an issue, and come up with sustainable, longer-lasting solutions. The blind obstacle course can be a great time to focus on the staying fit badge depending on how the junior girl scouts design their obstacle course. Please do not choose a project from this list for girls to do! However your scouts can pick any endangered area. startxref Be Careful with Fire have a plan for building a campfire, including keeping the campfire small, using sticks from the ground, and putting out your fire, Respect Wildlife observe from a distance and be sure to clean up all food you bring so wildlife dont learn to depend on humans, Be Kind to Other Visitors use a quiet voice and share the trails with others. Allyson began her quest for a state seashell for Delaware in October 2012. Dont miss our FREE Girl Scout Leaders Campsite Guide to assist when planning your camping trip. Trash Your Trash dispose of waste properly which may include packing up your trash and carrying it out. Youll also want theto purchase each badge (Animal Habitats, Camper, and Eco Camper) and the take action project badge to display on your Junior Girl Scouts vests. 0000004367 00000 n
Girls identify a problem they care about. Check out the Junior Girl Scout aMUSE Journey and Outdoor Junior Girl Scout Journey for more ideas. Sunday Afternoon prepare lunch, explore endangered animals and their habitats, learn about baby animals and special adaptations to their habitats. As you create circular symmetry, look for examples of the Fibonacci Sequence. There are no physical requirements to be a leader. Remember, a Take Action Project is more than community service. xref
Sign-up to receive our newsletter packed full of tips, tools and freebies with practical solutions for the whole family! This will allow the scouts to follow the leave no trace principles while capturing the beauty of nature. Build a community herb garden for community members to use to pick their own fresh herbs. Its never easy to go back and get pictures after the fact. However, you could try using MITs Scratch or Carnegie Mellons Alice to create the Power of Team comics as a video game. (They also come up with a couple of backup ideas in case the first one doesn't work out.) See an amazing flower, discover a unique rock, or spot an interesting animal, take a picture instead of the item. Girl Scout Activity Zone activities have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming. Locate invasive plant life near your camping site. Then play a game, make a skit, or try another activity to show what they learned about leaving no trace. Well done! Let the girls make this their own and take turns reading or acting out the story. Your email address will not be published. While Girl Scout journeys are pretty open, they usually include ceremonies or celebrations throughout the journey. There are a few key steps to setting up a minimal impact campsite. It is important to help the scouts recognize that animal habitats are much bigger than just a home. Mar 30, 2017 - Explore Amy Soddy's board "Juniors Take Action Project", followed by 112 people on Pinterest. Learn the Leave No Trace Principles 15 minutes. Youll be subscribed to our family friendly newsletter, where you can unsubscribe at anytime Privacy Policy. You can find these in rivers, tree branches, lightning, plants, and clouds. Animals need more than just one tree or burrow to survive. Some plants and flowers have circular symmetry. Provide time for the scouts to set up their campsite including a sleeping area, campfire ring, and kitchen area. For each width of your hand you can place under your pinky finger is about 1 hour left before the sun sets, each finger width below your pinky finger is about 15 minutes until the sun sets. Be sure to provide some time to share.. Pairs well with Junior Digital Photography Badge, Junior Entertainment Technology Badge, Junior Scribe Badge, Make Herstory Trading Cards 30 minutes: Share the Herstory short biographies on page 17 19 of the Girls Agent of Change handbook. The Outdoor Junior Girl Scout Journey requires the girls to earn the three different Junior Girl Scout badges and complete a Take Action Project. Work with your camping location to strategical place garbage cans and recycling bins to encourage others to use them when they have trash. to bring "powerful" snacks to the session q q q q q q q My TAKE ACTION PROJECT . The Its Your World Change It! Get Your FREE Copy Today! Learn what Girl Scouts do; about our history, research and data; and about family involvement, or try Girl Scout activities! This is especially true when discussing endangered animals. For Juniors, endangered animals may seem like a very removed idea, however, if you do a little research, you might just find a few endangered species in your community. Plan to use a set distance, such as a quarter mile. Leaders inspire others and appreciate working with others, while inspiring them to feel amazing about the work they are doing. This can include plants budding or losing leaves, animals making nests or migrating, or the clouds in the sky. How can I help girls organize a Take Action Project? During hikes and other active activities, they will want 2 cups per hour. How will you prepare them? Line up your index finger with the bottom of the sun. Teach your girls to stay on the marked trails to protect the plants in the area. 0000001133 00000 n
Object Height = (Girls Height x Objects Shadow) / Girls Shadow. 8:15 8:30am Journey Vocabulary Activity, 10:30 10:45am Brainstorming Take Action Projects, 11:00 11:30am Planning Take Action Project, 11:30 12:00pm LUNCH and The Real Me Game. The choice is really up to your troop and your time restraints. Working with your campsite hosts to create signs to visually mark the hiking trails so that future hikers can easily follow the trails without fear of getting lost. You can hand these out to the girls as they complete each step or have one ceremony where you hand out all four badges at the same time. Your scouts will gain an appreciation for nature and the animals that live in their communities. Kindling about the diameter of your thumb and the second material to catch fire when building a campfire. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. Sometimes these badges are easier to pair than other times. When the contour lines are further apart, the elevation is more flat. Then they practiced editing the pictures to use in their Im Being Framed. 0000143685 00000 n
Include items that show different ways you live by the Girl Scout Law and your Girl Scout values to place into your geocache. Explore Endangered Animals 20 minutes. They have confidence in themselves to make the action come to fruition. The choice is really up to your troop and your time restraints. Both of these activities will allow the girls to see the traits in the Girl Scout Law used in a variety of ways. What is Consensus 10 minutes: Take a few minutes to discuss how people in our community reach a consensus. And remember, keep your fires small. Here at Creatingbutterflies we provide families with practical solutions to real life problems for everything parenting, scouting, dual language, and enjoying time outdoors. Let each girl share a favorite song, play the music, and then have a vote on the music we love as a troop. While Power, Moxie and Leader are the main vocabulary for the Agent of Change Junior journey, there are a few additional words that can help the scouts while learning on this journey. The girls can place one special trade item inside their geocache box such as a friendship bracelet or SWAP. These projects strive to make the world a better place for more people for a much longer time. Create a butterfly garden to beautify the campgrounds and provide a safe space for butterflies to rest during their migration. Take some time to explore different size backpacks or suitcases that your girls might bring. By allowing the girls to plan the celebrations, they will take more ownership and enjoy them even more. Complete the bulk of the journey in one day and then tackle the Take Action Project a little at each of your next meetings, with a final culmination of a Take Action Project in a month or two. Moreover, you will decrease the number of mosquitos by being farther away from the water. Create a vision board to share your cookie business goals. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge, Planning Tiger Year: April Tiger Cub Scouts Meetings, Spanish April Activities for Kids from a Dual Language Family, Planning Junior Girl Scout Year: Junior Crane Design Challenge. Then divide by the length of the girls shadow. Mobilize to motivate a group of people to take action together towards a common goal. The Outdoor Junior Girl Scout Journey has a few key takeaways for the girls. Leave a comment below and let us know if youve tried the Outdoor Junior journey or camping with your girl scout juniors. While hiking on these trails, scouts should leave everything they find except garbage. And I love all the tips youve included also, Id love to do these things with nephews and nieces. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc or its affiliates. Total Time: 1 hour and 55 minutes (or longer, depending on your Take Action Project) . However, leaders also have the ability to access the journeys and badges in the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit, which is an amazing resource for leaders to access the material for free. Tying in your Take Action Project would work here as well. The girls will then need to pick a project, make a plan, reach out to members of their community, invite others to join, and carry out their plan. How will you ensure you leave no trace in your area? To find the height of the object (such as a tall tree or building), simply multiply the girls height by the length of the objects shadow. The Junior Simple Meals badge fits perfectly with any camping trip with your girl scouts since they will need to eat during their adventure. To earn this award, the scouts learn about finding take action projects, working together to take action, and helping their community.
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