refresh failures. node_uname_info{nodename} -> instance -- I get a syntax error at startup. To play around with and analyze any regular expressions, you can use RegExr. At a high level, a relabel_config allows you to select one or more source label values that can be concatenated using a separator parameter. ), the relabel_configstargetmetric_relabel_configs relabel_configs drop relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_ec2_tag_Name] regex: Example. metric_relabel_configs are commonly used to relabel and filter samples before ingestion, and limit the amount of data that gets persisted to storage. To learn more, please see Regular expression on Wikipedia. It is it was not set during relabeling. Linode APIv4. The write_relabel_configs section defines a keep action for all metrics matching the apiserver_request_total|kubelet_node_config_error|kubelet_runtime_operations_errors_total regex, dropping all others. Omitted fields take on their default value, so these steps will usually be shorter. See the Prometheus examples of scrape configs for a Kubernetes cluster. the cluster state. As an example, consider the following two metrics. This set of targets consists of one or more Pods that have one or more defined ports. Alertmanagers may be statically configured via the static_configs parameter or With this, the node_memory_Active_bytes metric which contains only instance and job labels by default, gets an additional nodename label that you can use in the description field of Grafana. Once Prometheus scrapes a target, metric_relabel_configs allows you to define keep, drop and replace actions to perform on scraped samples: This sample piece of configuration instructs Prometheus to first fetch a list of endpoints to scrape using Kubernetes service discovery (kubernetes_sd_configs). One of the following types can be configured to discover targets: The container role discovers one target per "virtual machine" owned by the account. The role will try to use the public IPv4 address as default address, if there's none it will try to use the IPv6 one. - the incident has nothing to do with me; can I use this this way? Note: By signing up, you agree to be emailed related product-level information. Prometheus fetches an access token from the specified endpoint with Setup monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana in Kubernetes Start monitoring your Kubernetes Geoffrey Mariette in Better Programming Create Your Python's Custom Prometheus Exporter Tony in Dev Genius K8s ChatGPT Bot For Intelligent Troubleshooting Stefanie Lai in Dev Genius All You Need to Know about Debugging Kubernetes Cronjob Help Status The default Prometheus configuration file contains the following two relabeling configurations: - action: replace source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_uid] target_label: sysdig_k8s_pod_uid - action: replace source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name] target_label: sysdig_k8s_pod_container_name Mixins are a set of preconfigured dashboards and alerts. to Prometheus Users Thank you Simonm This is helpful, however, i found that under prometheus v2.10 you will need to use the following relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] regex:. address referenced in the endpointslice object one target is discovered. single target is generated. PrometheusGrafana. This solution stores data at scrape-time with the desired labels, no need for funny PromQL queries or hardcoded hacks. The regex supports parenthesized capture groups which can be referred to later on. So ultimately {__tmp=5} would be appended to the metrics label set. job. configuration file, this example Prometheus configuration file, the Prometheus hetzner-sd By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Use metric_relabel_configs in a given scrape job to select which series and labels to keep, and to perform any label replacement operations. s. Connect Grafana to data sources, apps, and more, with Grafana Alerting, Grafana Incident, and Grafana OnCall, Frontend application observability web SDK, Try out and share prebuilt visualizations, Contribute to technical documentation provided by Grafana Labs, Help build the future of open source observability software The first relabeling rule adds {__keep="yes"} label to metrics with mountpoint matching the given regex. The target must reply with an HTTP 200 response. Prometheus is configured through a single YAML file called prometheus.yml. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. If a job is using kubernetes_sd_configs to discover targets, each role has associated __meta_* labels for metrics. What can a lawyer do if the client wants him to be acquitted of everything despite serious evidence? So if you want to say scrape this type of machine but not that one, use relabel_configs. relabel_configs. may contain a single * that matches any character sequence, e.g. Going back to our extracted values, and a block like this. configuration file. tracing_config configures exporting traces from Prometheus to a tracing backend via the OTLP protocol. One of the following roles can be configured to discover targets: The services role discovers all Swarm services rev2023.3.3.43278. Overview. This is a quick demonstration on how to use prometheus relabel configs, when you have scenarios for when example, you want to use a part of your hostname and assign it to a prometheus label. Relabeling and filtering at this stage modifies or drops samples before Prometheus ships them to remote storage. In those cases, you can use the relabel To learn more about Prometheus service discovery features, please see Configuration from the Prometheus docs. The global configuration specifies parameters that are valid in all other configuration Marathon SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets using the record queries, but not the advanced DNS-SD approach specified in When we configured Prometheus to run as a service, we specified the path of /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml. Kubernetes' REST API and always staying synchronized with Prometheus keeps all other metrics. and serves as an interface to plug in custom service discovery mechanisms. Finally, the modulus field expects a positive integer. This will also reload any configured rule files. still uniquely labeled once the labels are removed. Counter: A counter metric always increases; Gauge: A gauge metric can increase or decrease; Histogram: A histogram metric can increase or descrease; Source . // Config is the top-level configuration for Prometheus's config files. See below for the configuration options for Uyuni discovery: See the Prometheus uyuni-sd configuration file label is set to the job_name value of the respective scrape configuration. Serverset SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from Serversets which are First off, the relabel_configs key can be found as part of a scrape job definition. create a target for every app instance. However, its usually best to explicitly define these for readability. To override the cluster label in the time series scraped, update the setting cluster_alias to any string under prometheus-collector-settings in the ama-metrics-settings-configmap configmap. 5.6K subscribers in the PrometheusMonitoring community. ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones permission if you want the availability zone ID Why does Mister Mxyzptlk need to have a weakness in the comics? For each published port of a service, a engine. It does so by replacing the labels for scraped data by regexes with relabel_configs. A configuration reload is triggered by sending a SIGHUP to the Prometheus process or sending a HTTP POST request to the /-/reload endpoint (when the --web.enable-lifecycle flag is enabled). config package - - Go Packages The highest tagged major version is v2 . configuration. relabeling does not apply to automatically generated timeseries such as up. target and its labels before scraping. In other words, its metrics information is stored with the timestamp at which it was recorded, alongside optional key-value pairs called labels. In advanced configurations, this may change. stored in Zookeeper. If running outside of GCE make sure to create an appropriate Example scrape_configs: # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config. from underlying pods), the following labels are attached. prometheus.yml This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Published by Brian Brazil in Posts Tags: prometheus, relabelling, service discovery Share on Blog | Training | Book | Privacy Hope you learned a thing or two about relabeling rules and that youre more comfortable with using them. The __meta_dockerswarm_network_* meta labels are not populated for ports which It reads a set of files containing a list of zero or more Next I came across something that said that Prom will fill in instance with the value of address if the collector doesn't supply a value, and indeed for some reason it seems as though my scrapes of node_exporter aren't getting one. Sorry, an error occurred. OpenStack SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from OpenStack Nova through the __alerts_path__ label. For a cluster with a large number of nodes and pods and a large volume of metrics to scrape, some of the applicable custom scrape targets can be off-loaded from the single ama-metrics replicaset pod to the ama-metrics daemonset pod. type Config struct {GlobalConfig GlobalConfig `yaml:"global"` AlertingConfig AlertingConfig `yaml:"alerting,omitempty"` RuleFiles []string `yaml:"rule_files,omitempty"` ScrapeConfigs []*ScrapeConfig `yaml:"scrape_configs,omitempty"` . Use the metric_relabel_configs section to filter metrics after scraping. After concatenating the contents of the subsystem and server labels, we could drop the target which exposes webserver-01 by using the following block. write_relabel_configs is relabeling applied to samples before sending them The resource address is the certname of the resource and can be changed during instances. Where must be unique across all scrape configurations. The regex field expects a valid RE2 regular expression and is used to match the extracted value from the combination of the source_label and separator fields. Prometheus Monitoring subreddit. See below for the configuration options for Marathon discovery: By default every app listed in Marathon will be scraped by Prometheus. Below are examples showing ways to use relabel_configs. additional container ports of the pod, not bound to an endpoint port, are discovered as targets as well. Prometheusrelabel_config sell prometheus relabel_configs metric_relabel_configs example_metric {=""} prometheus.yaml Relabeler allows you to visually confirm the rules implemented by a relabel config. Otherwise the custom configuration will fail validation and won't be applied. 3. Relabeling 4.1 . Now what can we do with those building blocks? - ip-192-168-64-30.multipass:9100. The labelkeep and labeldrop actions allow for filtering the label set itself. You can configure the metrics addon to scrape targets other than the default ones, using the same configuration format as the Prometheus configuration file. - targets: ['localhost:8070'] scheme: http metric_relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__name__] regex: 'organizations_total|organizations_created' action . For example, if the resource ID is /subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourcegroups/rg-name/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/clustername, the cluster label is clustername. their API. Relabel configs allow you to select which targets you want scraped, and what the target labels will be. r/kubernetes I've been collecting a list of k8s/container tools and sorting them by the number of stars in Github, so far the most complete k8s/container list I know of with almost 250 entries - hoping this is useful for someone else besides me - looking for feedback, ideas for improvement and contributors To learn more about remote_write configuration parameters, please see remote_write from the Prometheus docs. for a practical example on how to set up Uyuni Prometheus configuration. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. We have a generous free forever tier and plans for every use case. As metric_relabel_configs are applied to every scraped timeseries, it is better to improve instrumentation rather than using metric_relabel_configs as a workaround on the Prometheus side. Initially, aside from the configured per-target labels, a target's job Scrape info about the prometheus-collector container such as the amount and size of timeseries scraped. Eureka REST API. I've never encountered a case where that would matter, but hey sure if there's a better way, why not. Prometheus Authors 2014-2023 | Documentation Distributed under CC-BY-4.0. value is set to the specified default. relabeling is completed. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. Step 2: Scrape Prometheus sources and import metrics. Read more. For example, the following block would set a label like {env="production"}, While, continuing with the previous example, this relabeling step would set the replacement value to my_new_label. Add a new label called example_label with value example_value to every metric of the job. But what I found to actually work is the simple and so blindingly obvious that I didn't think to even try: I.e., simply applying a target label in the scrape config. Finally, the write_relabel_configs block applies relabeling rules to the data just before its sent to a remote endpoint. vmagent can accept metrics in various popular data ingestion protocols, apply relabeling to the accepted metrics (for example, change metric names/labels or drop unneeded metrics) and then forward the relabeled metrics to other remote storage systems, which support Prometheus remote_write protocol (including other vmagent instances). # prometheus $ vim /usr/local/prometheus/prometheus.yml $ sudo systemctl restart prometheus Sign up for free now! * action: drop metric_relabel_configs input to a subsequent relabeling step), use the __tmp label name prefix. It would also be less than friendly to expect any of my users -- especially those completely new to Grafana / PromQL -- to write a complex and inscrutable query every time. We drop all ports that arent named web. changed with relabeling, as demonstrated in the Prometheus scaleway-sd Open positions, Check out the open source projects we support The __* labels are dropped after discovering the targets. Additionally, relabel_configs allow advanced modifications to any WindowsyamlLinux. For more information, check out our documentation and read more in the Prometheus documentation. This service discovery uses the public IPv4 address by default, by that can be Generic placeholders are defined as follows: The other placeholders are specified separately. Default targets are scraped every 30 seconds. The ama-metrics replicaset pod consumes the custom Prometheus config and scrapes the specified targets. instances. As we saw before, the following block will set the env label to the replacement provided, so {env="production"} will be added to the labelset. the target and vary between mechanisms. This is generally useful for blackbox monitoring of an ingress. How can I 'join' two metrics in a Prometheus query? But still that shouldn't matter, I dunno why node_exporter isn't supplying any instance label at all since it does find the hostname for the info metric (where it doesn't do me any good). Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? See the Prometheus marathon-sd configuration file Not the answer you're looking for? service port. The following relabeling would remove all {subsystem=""} labels but keep other labels intact. Follow the instructions to create, validate, and apply the configmap for your cluster. Using a standard prometheus config to scrape two targets: I have installed Prometheus on the same server where my Django app is running. For OVHcloud's public cloud instances you can use the openstacksdconfig. This guide expects some familiarity with regular expressions. For each declared To learn how to discover high-cardinality metrics, please see Analyzing Prometheus metric usage. Much of the content here also applies to Grafana Agent users. scrape targets from Container Monitor Only The endpoints role discovers targets from listed endpoints of a service. Before scraping targets ; prometheus uses some labels as configuration When scraping targets, prometheus will fetch labels of metrics and add its own After scraping, before registering metrics, labels can be altered With recording rules But also . Each target has a meta label __meta_filepath during the IONOS Cloud API. Prometheus first NICs IP address by default, but that can be changed with relabeling. could be used to limit which samples are sent. for a detailed example of configuring Prometheus for Docker Swarm. Files must contain a list of static configs, using these formats: As a fallback, the file contents are also re-read periodically at the specified All rights reserved. In this scenario, on my EC2 instances I have 3 tags: Denylisting becomes possible once youve identified a list of high-cardinality metrics and labels that youd like to drop. as retrieved from the API server. File-based service discovery provides a more generic way to configure static targets The endpoint is queried periodically at the specified refresh interval. For all targets discovered directly from the endpointslice list (those not additionally inferred To update the scrape interval settings for any target, the customer can update the duration in default-targets-scrape-interval-settings setting for that target in ama-metrics-settings-configmap configmap. I see that the node exporter provides the metric node_uname_info that contains the hostname, but how do I extract it from there? ), but not system components (kubelet, node-exporter, kube-scheduler, .,) system components do not need most of the labels (endpoint . I'm not sure if that's helpful. If were using Prometheus Kubernetes SD, our targets would temporarily expose some labels such as: Labels starting with double underscores will be removed by Prometheus after relabeling steps are applied, so we can use labelmap to preserve them by mapping them to a different name. For users with thousands of The The following rule could be used to distribute the load between 8 Prometheus instances, each responsible for scraping the subset of targets that end up producing a certain value in the [0, 7] range, and ignoring all others. dynamically discovered using one of the supported service-discovery mechanisms. For a list of trademarks of The Linux Foundation, please see our Trademark Usage page. Prometheus relabel_configs 4. The address will be set to the Kubernetes DNS name of the service and respective So the solution I used is to combine an existing value containing what we want (the hostnmame) with a metric from the node exporter. Consider the following metric and relabeling step. Which seems odd. If we provide more than one name in the source_labels array, the result will be the content of their values, concatenated using the provided separator. Brackets indicate that a parameter is optional. In this case Prometheus would drop a metric like container_network_tcp_usage_total(. and applied immediately. To collect all metrics from default targets, in the configmap under default-targets-metrics-keep-list, set minimalingestionprofile to false. There is a list of The private IP address is used by default, but may be changed to Prometheus dns service discovery in docker swarm relabel instance, Prometheus - Aggregate and relabel by regex, How to concatenate labels in Prometheus relabel config, Prometheus: invalid hostname with https scheme, Prometheus multiple source label in relabel config, Prometheus metric relabel for specific value. 11 aylei pushed a commit to aylei/docs that referenced this issue on Oct 28, 2019 Update feature description in overview and readme ( prometheus#341) efb2912 to filter proxies and user-defined tags. Let's focus on one of the most common confusions around relabelling. port of a container, a single target is generated. The configuration format is the same as the Prometheus configuration file. to scrape them. The endpointslice role discovers targets from existing endpointslices. There are seven available actions to choose from, so lets take a closer look. For which rule files to load. An additional scrape config uses regex evaluation to find matching services en masse, and targets a set of services based on label, annotation, namespace, or name. required for the replace, keep, drop, labelmap,labeldrop and labelkeep actions. - Key: Environment, Value: dev. When metrics come from another system they often don't have labels. To filter by them at the metrics level, first keep them using relabel_configs by assigning a label name and then use metric_relabel_configs to filter. way to filter tasks, services or nodes. Prometheus Azure SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from Azure VMs. To view all available command-line flags, run ./prometheus -h. Prometheus can reload its configuration at runtime. configuration. This block would match the two values we previously extracted, However, this block would not match the previous labels and would abort the execution of this specific relabel step. label is set to the value of the first passed URL parameter called . metric_relabel_configs relabel_configsreplace Prometheus K8S . Changes to all defined files are detected via disk watches I'm also loathe to fork it and have to maintain in parallel with upstream, I have neither the time nor the karma. EC2 SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from AWS EC2 Hetzner Cloud API and An example might make this clearer. Kuma SD configurations allow retrieving scrape target from the Kuma control plane. To filter in more metrics for any default targets, edit the settings under default-targets-metrics-keep-list for the corresponding job you'd like to change. You can extract a samples metric name using the __name__ meta-label. However, in some discovery endpoints. of your services provide Prometheus metrics, you can use a Marathon label and The new label will also show up in the cluster parameter dropdown in the Grafana dashboards instead of the default one. Since weve used default regex, replacement, action, and separator values here, they can be omitted for brevity. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. to He Wu, Prometheus Users The `relabel_config` is applied to labels on the discovered scrape targets, while `metrics_relabel_config` is applied to metrics collected from scrape targets.. The label will end with '.pod_node_name'. They are set by the service discovery mechanism that provided the public IP address with relabeling. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit that collects and stores its metrics as time series data. relabeling: Kubernetes SD configurations allow retrieving scrape targets from Alert If the relabel action results in a value being written to some label, target_label defines to which label the replacement should be written. metric_relabel_configs are commonly used to relabel and filter samples before ingestion, and limit the amount of data that gets persisted to storage. changed with relabeling, as demonstrated in the Prometheus scaleway-sd Blog | Training | Book | Privacy, relabel_configs vs metric_relabel_configs. If you want to turn on the scraping of the default targets that aren't enabled by default, edit the configmap ama-metrics-settings-configmap configmap to update the targets listed under default-scrape-settings-enabled to true, and apply the configmap to your cluster. Grafana Labs uses cookies for the normal operation of this website. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status,. Allowlisting or keeping the set of metrics referenced in a Mixins alerting rules and dashboards can form a solid foundation from which to build a complete set of observability metrics to scrape and store. A static config has a list of static targets and any extra labels to add to them. configuration file. Prometheus applies this relabeling and dropping step after performing target selection using relabel_configs and metric selection and relabeling using metric_relabel_configs. entities and provide advanced modifications to the used API path, which is exposed Powered by Octopress, - targets: ['ip-192-168-64-29.multipass:9100'], - targets: ['ip-192-168-64-30.multipass:9100'], # Config:, ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml, '--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml', '--web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries', '--web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles', '--web.external-url=',,, Python Flask Forms with Jinja Templating , Logging With Docker Promtail and Grafana Loki, Ansible Playbook for Your Macbook Homebrew Packages. DNS servers to be contacted are read from /etc/resolv.conf. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The job and instance label values can be changed based on the source label, just like any other label. Heres a small list of common use cases for relabeling, and where the appropriate place is for adding relabeling steps. For readability its usually best to explicitly define a relabel_config.